Find out why our Proprietary Quality Stats has produced an incredible record of success analysing NFL teams and games for fans who bet on NFL football.

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Core Plays

As a CHFF member, you get exclusive access to the best bets based on our proprietary stats. There is a lot to unravel within our 22 quality stats, and that's why we do the work for you with our Core Plays. The Core Plays give you the best money lines, totals, spread, and props for every week of the NFL season. Additionally, you will have access to CHFF Betting Analyst Tanner Kern's best bets which factor in more than just the numbers. Start today!

Biggest Mismatches

We identify the games with the biggest differences in the Quality Stats Power Rankings here.

Top Total Picks

Do you like betting totals? We break down the scorebility and bendability of every matchup to give you the best plays.

Stay Away Spreads

The stats reveal good and bad bets! We give the games that are too close to call.

Player Props

The CHFF stats have been great at identifying props for years. People often overlook this market, but we don't at CHFF. Check out our best player props in our Core Plays.

Top Spread Picks

The spread is the hardest bet in the NFL, but we have you covered. Our stats can help determine where bookmakers make mistakes with their lines

Tanner's Best Bets

CHFF Betting Analyst Tanner Kern gives you his best bets out of the ones in our other categories.

Best Moneyline Picks

The moneyline is when you bet a team to win outright. It sounds easy, but it's actually a challenge in the NFL. We help you find straight up winners.